Recruitment to the CHRONOS study is currently closed
A clinical trial investigating the outcomes of new prostate preserving surgery against whole prostate treatment
Why is CHRONOS happening?
Over 47,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer year, with more men being diagnosed every year
Prostate cancer progresses at various rates depending upon the type, grade and stage of cancer
Traditional whole prostate treatments are effective at curing cancer, however can cause significant urinary and erectile problems in 30-60% of men
New treatments focused directly to prostate cancer show promising results but have not been directly compared to traditional treatments
What treatments are available for prostate cancer?
Typically performed as keyhole (laparoscopic or robot assisted) surgery
Usually requires one hospital visit and an overnight stay in hospital, sometimes 1-3 nights
Disease free (recurrence free) survival - 99.1% over 10 years
Overall survival is 99.9% over 10 years
Urinary leakage occurs in 5-20% and erectile dysfunction occurs in 40-60% of cases
Typically performed as multiple day visits to the local radiotherapy centre
Brachytherapy and sometimes radiotherapy require a procedure under general anaesthetic
Disease free (recurrence free) survival is 99.1% over 10 years
Overall survival is 99.9% over 10 years
Urinary leakage occurs in 5-10% and erectile dysfunction occurs in 40-60% of cases
Focal Therapy
Cryotherapy freezes targeted areas of the prostate, HIFU heats targeted areas to up to 80°
Cryotherapy and HIFU are available in the NHS
Disease free (recurrence free) survival is 80-90% over 5 years
Overall survival is 96.0% over 5 years
Both are performed as a day case procedure, normally under general anaesthetic
"There are many established and new treatments for localised prostate cancer. Currently we do not know how most of these treatments compare against each other, in terms of cancer control and side-effect profiles."
Miss Deepika Reddy
CHRONOS Trial Co-Ordinator
Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Sunderland Royal Hospital (opening soon)
Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (opening soon)
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (opening soon)
You are eligible if you:
Have been diagnosed with localised intermediate risk prostate cancer
Have been recommended treatment by your clinician
Are over 18 years of age
Are in good health
Have not yet received treatment for your prostate cancer
“I had the emerging new procedure of HIFU...and have benefitted a great deal. Following on from my treatment it’s been a great privilege to help at the outset of a new trial like CHRONOS. It’s excellent to see how patient's involvement is such a valued part of things.”
Chris Dobbs
CHRONOS Patient Representative
Early-Medium-Term Outcomes of Primary Focal Cryotherapy to Treat Nonmetastatic Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer from a Prospective Multicentre Registry
Focal HIFU therapy in treatment of prostate cancer: a UK Multicentre series
Reddy et al. IP-4 CHRONOS is launched. BJU International
Trial Registration
ISRCTN 17796995 identifier: NCT04049747
EudraCT Number:2019-001365-32
NIHR No. CPMS 41979
Chief Investigator
Prof. Hashim U. AhmedCHRONOS National Clinical Research Fellow & Sub-Investigator
Miss Deepika Reddy BSc MRCSSub-Investigator
Mr Taimur Shah MBBS MRCSNational Trial Manager
Mr Thiagarajah Sasikaran